Thursday, December 27, 2018

Factors to consider for cleaning potable water systems

Today I'm going to revisit a topic that has come up in the various places that I write about my client, Professional Piping Services Inc. That topic is the factors to consider when evaluating potable water systems for cleaning.

Potable Water Cleaning Process Factors

Depending on the individual situation, potable water pipe cleaning is often performed in 8 to 10 hour cycles, with the system disinfected and restored to potable use at the end of each shutdown period. The cleaning process provides for immediate restoration of service if the need should arise, as might be the case for fire protection. An important part of the cleaning process for potable water systems is advanced notification of all consumers with instructions on how to manage and work through this temporary disruption of service.

Quite a length of pipe can be cleaned very quickly, heavily influenced by the reliability of mapping of the piping system, the initial interior conditions and the size & age of pipe(s). It is not uncommon to clean a whole mile of pipe in one cycle. It is recommended, but not required, to begin cleaning the piping system on the supply side allowing water that has just been put through the costly treatment process is carried through clean pipes into the remaining system.

After a thorough cleaning, a potable water system should not be expected to become soiled again. Today's quality standards at water treatment facilities leave little to nothing to soil the interior of the piping system. On the other hand, allowing clean potable water to leave the plant and enter poorly maintained aging pipe that's already contaminated with lime, silt or other deposits presents an inferior product to the end users in homes, restaurants and other businesses.

A frequent side benefit of having your potable water system cleaned is that the mapping of the system will be updated with the accurate location of lost valves and mystery connections. Locations, diameters and other details can be recorded for later use.

My client, Professional Piping Services, Inc, is a Certified Underground Utility Contractor with License Number CU-C055717


  1. Provide advanced notification to all consumers
  2. A section of the system may be offline for 8 to 10 hours
  3. The system is restored to potable use at the end of each session
  4. Accurate mapping influences the length of pipe processed in each session
  5. Start at the source, whenever possible
  6. This should be a once and done operation in modern potable systems, as modern standards prevent re-contamination.
  7. There is a side benefit of having the system re-mapped, aiding in future maintenance and expansion projects.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Pre-commission Pigging

One might think it unnecessary to clean a brand new piping system, but think about the fact that cleaning the system prior to use will effectively remove debris, lost tools, wildlife, lumber and other things you wouldn't imagine could have made their way into your system during construction.

The initial pipe pigging will also answer the first question that would be asked if the new system isn't pumping correctly "Is there an obstruction in the pipes?"

Foreign objects are a threat to pump impellers, valve seats and other inline components. Pigging removes that threat.

Because the cleaning process removes the air from the system, it allows for an effective hydrostatic test.

Pigging wastes less water than traditional flush methods and avoids creating a lake of waste at the end of the system. We certainly don't need more cleanup tasks added to our routine!
For systems that require disinfection or other inline treatment, organic material, chlorine and other contaminants are removed from the system and the treatment process is ensured full contact with and saturation of the interior pipe surfaces and all the fittings.

The system gets a good test run, checking all the valves, confirming flow patterns, and allowing for tests of blow offs, drains, vacuum breakers, air releases, so that the operator will have confidence in their operation. Years of experience with a variety of systems has proven that this is not a light consideration.

For these reason, and more, plus the fact that it adds very little to the bottom line cost of the project, pre-commission pipe pigging is highly recommended.

Contact Professional Piping Service, Inc. for more details.
Certified Underground Utility Contractor
License Number CU-C055717

Friday, October 12, 2018

Another Look at Pipe Pigging

Another Look at Pipe Pigging

Although the technology of the hardware of pipeline pigs has been fairly static, the way they are put to use changes quickly.

Just running a poly pig through a pipe and declaring it "clean" is nonsense! When you send an inline inspection tool through the piping system, you expect that your your pig has reduced or eliminated lift off, allowing a more accurate result from magnetic flux leakage inspection. One also expects the pipeline's efficiency to be greatly improved after thorough pigging.

To get the best cleaning and ensure the system's peak condition, it is a must to enlist the services of a qualified pipeline-cleaning service company such as Professional Piping Services, Inc.

The first mechanical pigs were pretty rustic devices thrown together from bailed fabric and barbed wire. The have matured into today's polyurethane (PU or just "Poly") marvels. Each manufacturer will select their own types and ratios of pre-polymers and curing agents that combine to create the castable product with various foam densities, abrasion resistance, elasticities and other variables that impact effectiveness and durability in a given application.

What kinds of Pigs are available?

The kinds of pigs, and the applications they can be used for, are as varied as the piping industry itself. Generally, pigs are are made in sizes with a 1.5 length to diameter ratio. Keeping your bends, or ells, to a minimum of 1.5D is therefore important for them to be easily piggable. Tandem pigs can be used to navigate the tighter ells, if retrofitting an existing system is not an option.

In addition to Poly Foam or PU pigs, steel mandrel discs and cups can be used for certain applications.

The Polly foam types are generally made to match the Outside Diameter of the pipe and can navigate tight radius ells, miter bends, "T" intersections, multi-diameter piping systems and reduced port valves. Polly Foam Pigs sometimes incorporate wire strip brushes for more thorough cleaning, a nose pull rope to assist in propulsion, transmitter cavity to install varoius instruments, making it a smart pig, and other accessories as may be required.

When using an ILI, it may be required to provide data before the ILI tool is introduced into the system. This data can be captured using a caliper pig to identify welds, taps, valve, bends, wall thickness and more.

A smart pig was mentioned before, but let me explain. A smart pig (also know as Sherlock Pig) helps re-map the entire system. A pipeline's construction doesn't always match the original plan, so the documents may not provide an accurate picture of the final system. The smart pig can identify lost branches and valves, changes in diameter, and can even specify depth in earth or water.

There is much more to this topic than the author can address at this time. When you need help with your piping system, don't trust me, trust my client, Professional Piping Services, Inc.

The author of this article has referenced source(s) from the internet including an article from The client for whom this is written is much more knowledgeable about the topic than the author. Any inaccuracy or error should be attributed to the author, and not the Poly Pig Specialists themselves, or the referenced article(s).

Friday, August 3, 2018

Pipeline Pigging Considerations

Whether it be removing impurities, purging product from a pipe-train pr restoring flow, pipeline poly pigs, along with other pipe pigging systems are used.  The reason for pigging, the make and design of the system coupled with the conditions of the pipe all play a role in determining how to proceed.

Just like a plunger inside a syringe, product purging pigs need to fit tightly in their pipes. Pigging systems designed to remove inches or more of caked on debris can have different characteristics than those designed to remove loose sand and gravel. Pipes with an immense about of build up may need a succession of pigs, each with an increasing diameter, to thoroughly complete the job.

Anything that might lead the pig astray, such as obstructions like  valves or tree branches, or differences in pipe diameter,  must be accounted for and dealt with.

A system that has never been pigged before, or one that needs to be re-mapped before some other project, might use a radio transmitting smart pig called "Sherlock Pig".  Sherlock can be passed through the system to give a corrected view, showing any differences between reality and paper.

Led by General Manager  Roger M Cimbora, Sr., Professional Piping Services, Inc. has the experience and knowledge to select the right pigging system to get your system back to peak performance.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Pipeline Pigging for Maintenance.

Developing a pipeline pigging maintenance schedule helps keep your pipeline in top shape, at full flow and may give you an early alert to a pending rupture or leak. Pipeline Poly Pigs can be used in a variety of pipe materials including stainless steel, concrete, PVC, aluminum, glass and more, moving product ranging from wastewater and storm water to fuel and lubricating oils.

When performing routine pipeline maintenance with poly pigs, data can be collected for future reference including pig speed and inertia, location and depth of any damage or variation in pipe wall thickness and indications of intrusion or debris. This data helps determine the correct sequence of pigs to be used for cleaning. By keeping a complete record of each run, a history can form so that the pipeline owner or manager can gauge the rate of change and act accordingly.

Another advantage of beginning a pigging regiment is that during the initial session, you can have the system mapped or re-mapped with a smart pig to ensure or correct the accuracy of any diagrams you may have of your system. Knowing the location, diameter and condition of each leg of the system and any valves can expedite future preventative maintenance or repairs.

Professional Piping Services Inc. can help assess your pipeline, recommend a pigging regime and perform the pigging with skill and professionalism.

Professional Piping Services Inc. has been in the industry for decades and the owner, Roger M Cimbora, Sr.,  is a trusted expert in the field, serving on committees, acting as an instructor,leading seminars and writing papers on the topics of piping system rehabilitation, cleaning and evaluation .

Friday, June 1, 2018

Proper cleaning of Oxygen and Ozone pipe systems - C.G.A. G-4.1

C.G.A. G-4.1
The Compressed Gas Association, (CGA) has published C.G.A. G-4.1 which specifies procedures for  Cleaning Equipment For Oxygen Service​.

Do not underestimate the importance of compliance with these guidelines. Oxygen reacts violently with many substances that might contaminate a piping system or other oxygen handling components.. These reactions could lead to destruction of equipment, injury or loss of life.

Professional Piping Services, Inc. has the training, experience and proper equipment to safely provide this critical cleaning service.

Professional Piping Services, Inc., established in 1985, has designed, managed, and restored thousands of miles of pipes, carrying all manner or product. When working with oxygen systems, their work complies with C.G.A. G-4.1. Their staff is trained and certified to comply with OSHA29, CFR 1910.120 for health and safety.

Roger M. Cimbora Sr.

Roger M Cimbora Sr, is the General Manager of Professional Piping Services, Inc. He has worked in the piping industry for several decades! Mr. Cimbora is the expert who is relied upon by committees resolving piping system issues. Mr. Cimbora's committee roles have included  American Water Works Association Research Committee, the National Task Committee on Piping System Rehabilitation, The American Society of Civil Engineers and American Water Works Association.

The piping industry recognizes him for his knowledge and expertise as a writer and an instructor, conducting  over 1200 educational, and training seminars on piping systems cleaning in the U.S. and internationally. Mr. Cimbora  has created and implemented several training & instructional programs for in house staff as well as those sponsored by various municipalities

A primary contributor to the extensive, in depth survey by the US Army Corp of Engineer for a cost analysis of cleaning and rehabilitating piping systems, Mr. Cimbora expertise was again needed.

Roger's achievements & expertise surpass the time and space I have in this forum. To sum it up, when you need an experienced professional who knows the piping industry, Mr. Cimbora is your guy!

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Just What Is Pipe Pigging Anyway?

When municipal wastewater force mains or other industrial piping systems suffer from reduced flow, progressive poly pigging (Pipe Pigging) may be the best choice to rectify the situation and restore maximal flow. But, just what is Poly Pigging anyway?

Any professionally designed piping system will have been engineered with certain flow rates (Gallons per minute), velocities (Feet per second) and pressure (PSI). During the life of the system, low flow velocities or high concentrations of FOG (fat, oil, grease) and sediment will lead to material build up on the inside surfaces of the pipes. This leads to reduced flow, higher energy cost and maintenance for the pumps, and possibly system failure that could include a nasty spill.

Poly pigging (Often written as "Polly Pigging") is the use of a polyurethane or other material slug, known as a pig, to clean the inside of a pipe. It is propelled through the system by the same force that carries the system's product, or pulled through the system using a cable. It can often be done with little to no interruption of service. Progressive poly pigging (polly pigging) is the use of various sizes and densities of pig, passed in sequence, through a pipe system, inspecting the pig and the product until the pipes are at their optimum clean. On each pass, the pig exits the system into a "pig catcher" and the debris is collected for disposal.

Poly Pigging can be used alone or in conjunction with other cleaning methods such as high pressure water jetting to ensure your pipe system achieves and maintains its optimal flow.

Tampa Water Jet Pipe Cleaning

I've written about Water Jet Cleaning before, but It's time to revisit the topic.

The last time I wrote about this, I started out with a mention that poly pigs are the first choice of many Piping Systems Engineers. My client, Professional Piping Services, Inc., provides that service for Tampa Florida as well.

But, there may be times that a poly pig, especially in HDPE pipes, might pose a risk of damage to the pipe. There are soft pigs that mitigate or eliminate that risk, but when there is sediment that might grind between the pig and the inside of the pipe, water jetting may be the preferred method.

High pressure water jet pipe cleaning works to clear debris from any size pipe. Jetting is effective against tree roots, cooking grease, automotive grease, lime / hard water buildup, sewage sludge and more that might be found in your Tampa Piping System.

Shutdowns cost money! Backups cause property damage! Preventative maintenance is key! When debris causes the effective inside diameter of the pipe to get smaller and smaller, reduced flow and higher energy costs are sure to follow, along with costly repairs to overworked pumps.

The pipe cleaning professionals at  Professional Piping Services, Inc will help you determine if poly pigginh, water jetting, or a regiment of both, will most efficiently get your pipes back to full capacity. They have the right equipment such as water pumps, jets, poly pigs and water tanks, as well as training and experience to properly care for your Tampa Industrial Piping.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Raw Water Pipe System Cleaning

First, what is "Raw Water"?

Raw water includes rainwater, ground water, and water from lakes and rivers. This water is called "raw" as opposed to water that has been treated to become potable or water which has been used in an industrial process, such as waste water.

Factors to consider in the Cleaning Process For Raw Water

The access port into the system is usually readily established by inserting a tee or a wye fitting, preferably a tee, into the system at convenient point at the beginning or end of the length to be cleaned.

One might be surprised to learn that many raw water systems are cleaned "backward". That is, they are cleaned from the discharge point back toward the source. This often accommodates site and system conditions and helps mitigate or minimize flow disruption in connected segments.

The volume of matter, (minerals, deposits, grit, construction debris, marine growth...) can be much greater than a reasonable person would have expected. Water present during this cleaning will be subject to high turbidity and will have solids in suspension. This makes the water unsuitable for use in the normal treatment process. This is a temporary situation and can be resolved with various customized applications. A decision must be made ahead of time regarding how to contain the solids and dispose of the water impacted by the cleaning process.

My client, Professional Piping Services, Inc., provides this service. They are a Certified Underground Utility Contractor and their License Number is CU-C055717

Friday, February 9, 2018

Potable Water System Cleaning

About The Cleaning Process For Potable Water

  • Circumstances can vary, but potable water system cleaning is commonly done in 8 to 10 hr increments, disinfecting the system and restoring normal potable use at each shutdown.
  • The process is prepared to allow immediate service restoration should the need arise, as might be the case for fire protection.
  • Planning and notification of all consumers supplied by the system with information on how to work around or otherwise cope with the situation is an important piece of the process.
  • The size or sizes of the pipes to be cleaned, as well as the age of each section the the interior conditions of the pipes can greatly influence the speed of the cleaning, with reliable mapping, it is not unusual to process a mile of pipe in one session.
  • When possible, the cleaning process should start at the primary source of supply so that your potable water begins flowing through freshly cleaned pipes right away.
  • Present water quality standards ensure that potable water leaving the treatment facility in such a condition to allow the newly cleaned pipes to become soiled again.
  • Properly treating potable water costs you and your customers or citizens a lot of money. Delivering it through dirty pipes is shameful and disgusting!

  • Because the cleaning of the system generally requires identification and opening of all of it's valves, a cleaning project often yields the added benefit of new, more accurate, system maps.
This article is written with a heavy influence from Professional Piping Services, Inc. who provides pipeline pigging with poly pigs and high power water jets. Their liscense information is:

Certified Underground Utility Contractor
License Number CU-C055717

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Wastewater Force Main Cleaning

When we think of "dirty" piping product, there may be nothing more dirty than wastewater, carrying fats, oils, grease, kitchen waste and, of course, the bathroom flush.

Suppose you've just brought a pristine wastewater system online. With the first flush, load of laundry, someone's dishes... debris and residue settles or adheres out of the water and onto your formerly clean pipes, beginning the process of clogging them up, reducing flow and costing you more money in power and maintenance.

If any of these conditions exist in your piping system, it may be time to have them cleaned and restored to max flow capacity:

  • Wet well evacuation takes longer and longer
  • Pressure increases at the discharge head
  • Your pumps have to run longer
  • You plan to upgrade your pumps and make other station improvements
  • Costs are increasing, especially energy use.
  • Circumstances of the installation did not allow a cleaning before going onilne
  • The system has been use under capacity, causing it to act as long, thin, settling basin
  • Flow volume at discharge point is much lower than it used to be
  • Maintenance staff has grown weary of alarm lights
  • Laminar flow characteristics and Hazen-Williams "C" Factors have fallen to unreadable levels
  • Odor problems continue in spite of your efforts
Remember that replacing the pipe means scuttling serviceable piping whose only offence is being dirty. Save time, money and disruption by having your system cleaned using an inline Poly Pig. There's a good chance this can be done with zero downtime, or very little.

My client, Professional Piping Services is a Certified Underground Utility Contractor
with License Number CU-C055717