Friday, November 6, 2020

The importance of Pipeline Pigging Education

Understanding the various applications where pigs are used is an important step in the pigging education process. Obviously, each application varies, but there are some general rules that are key to understand in developing an intelligent cleaning program, such as:

  • Operating parameters
  • Documented pigging records
  • Pipelines characteristics
  • How to make decisions based on pig type and run frequency data
  • Knowing the type of product present in the line
  • IE: lines that carry liquids require a different style cleaning procedure than gas lines
  • Understanding gasoline or diesel piping systems are generally more clean products that may not need the same style poly pig used to clean the pipeline as piping that carries some type of heavy product like Crude

Once these and other “basics” of pigging are covered, the next step is to develop an intelligent cleaning program by using tools to measure, monitor and record the effectiveness of specific cleaning methods, the pigs used and the run frequency.

Do you need help with creating and implementing a pigging process that will work best for your piping system?  Contact Professional Piping Services, Inc today. 

Professional Piping specializes in developing customized pigging programs for you and your needs. Their team of pigging experts will evaluate your system, applications and goals to create the most effective cleaning application possible then their certified team will come and do the work for you. For more information about Professional Piping Services, Inc.and how they can assist you with your piping needs, call them today toll free at 800-780-6098 or locally in the Tampa Bay area at 813-994-0032.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Preventing Pipeline Corrosion

Regularly scheduled and coordinated pipeline pigging can help prevent corrosion, one of the most distressing problems affecting pipeline systems today. Nonexistent or inadequate pipeline pigging programs, improper piping maintenance programs, aging pipelines, and a lack of corrosion chemical programs have contributed to an increased sign of corrosion in pipelines.

Federal and state regulations mandate that operators regularly perform inspections on their piping systems to locate wall loss. Typically, a forceful pigging program combined with a chemical treatment of a corrosion inhibitor is the most effective way to mitigate the advancement of pipeline corrosion. These corrosion inhibitor chemicals work their best when applied to a clean surface or freshly pigged pipeline. This entails that surface debris, other materials and water must be removed before the chemical process begins. The most effective way to do this is by using the proper poly pig and pigging method designed to get the cleanest pipes possible.

Professional Piping Services can assist you in determining the right treatment for your piping system.  They carry numerous types of poly pigs some configured with special brushes designed to treat specific corrosion issues, along with pigs for clearing wax build up and other debris.

Don’t leave it to chance. Move forward with confidence. 

Let the experts at
Professional Piping Services, Inc help you decide what pigging
method is right for your needs.

Call them today toll free at 800-780-6098
or locally in the Tampa Bay Florida area at 813-994-0032.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Wax Build Up in Pipelines

 Wax Build Up in Pipelines

Gas condensates and crude oil contain differing amounts of wax. This wax can become intensely hard on the walls of your pipelines over time, especially with temperature and/or static flow changes during maintenance shutdowns. Wax is dissolved at 60 to 70°C, but when the temperature drops below 35-40°C, it solidifies, causing an uneven flow, roughness and a reduction in product flow due to shrinkage in diameter caused by the build up.

Regular pigging maintenance reduces the potential for wax build-up to form, Regular maintenance keeps energy costs down and product flow maximized. It is critical however, to use the proper pigs and cleaning methods to avoid damage to valves.

Professional Piping Services, Inc. offers the most effective wax cleaning services, using specially designed poly pigs made to remove wax from the line by keeping it suspended just ahead of the product flow thus voiding damage to valves and other components. 

Let the pigging experts at Professional Piping assist you in coming up with a maintenance program to prevent wax build-up, or any other type of pipeline debris, in your piping system. Contact them today toll free at 800-780-6098 or locally in the Tampa Bay Florida area at 813-994-0032 to discuss your piping needs.

Certified Underground Utility Contractor License Number CU-C055718

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Gas and Oil Industry Pipeline Pigging

The gas and oil industry use pigging to clean and inspect their pipelines, typically using the more advanced ‘smart pigs’ capable of detecting corrosion and leaks which can be explosive and dangerous to the environment. Pigging has been used for many years to clean large diameter pipelines in the oil industry. 

These industries, especially gas processing plants, often integrate pigging stations along their piping system. They are usually co-located with compressor stations or sited independently along the pipelines. Pigging operations are generally included in the project plans of interstate gas pipeline projects and are considered to a part of the pipeline system, therefore they aren’t allowed to be separate and oversight of these stations falls to pipeline companies, utilities and oil and gas operators per FERC or the Federal Energy Regulation Commission.

If you have questions about gas or oil pipeline and the regulations set in place by FERC, contact the experts at Professional Piping Services today. Their experienced and knowledgeable staff will help you find the answers to keep your system up to code and operating at its peak.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Hydrostatic Pressure Testing

Boilers, evaporators, gas cylinders and pipelines that fluids flow through, there are many vessels in industries that undergo high pressure processes.  The fluids might be gas, liquid or possibly highly corrosive chemicals like sulfuric or hydrochloric acid. There are specific ranges of pressure for pipelines to transport fluids or for the vessels to operate. Even the most minor of leaks in the pipeline can lead to pressure loss and there is a potential for environmental contamination.

With the possibility of contamination,it is vital in both construction and maintenance of pipelines that Pipeline Hydrostatic testing be performed. It is necessary to make sure newly constructed lines are correctly commissioned for their purposed use before going into use. Also, regularly scheduled proper maintenance is required for any pipeline susceptible to leaking or failing so that it is caught during controlled testing procedures and NOT while chemicals or fuels are flowing through the pipes.

Pipeline hydrostatic pressure testing is done by charging the pipeline followed by shutting off the supply valve to document observations about the pressure loss. This hydrostatic test is done prior to commissioning and is a non-destructive test or quality control procedure which shows the integrity of the pipeline and the fabrication, as well as the welding and joint jobs performed on it.

With something as vital, don’t leave it to chance.  Contact a company with the skill and expertise to handle the job like the people at Professional Piping Services. Call them today at 800-780-6098 to discuss your concerns

My Client, Professional Piping Services, Inc., is a Certified Underground Utility Contractor License Number CU-C055717 Any errors in this document are not the fault of Professional Piping Services, Inc. and should be brought to the attention of the blog owner for immediate correction.

Pipeline Smoke Testing

Why should smoke testing be done?

Smoke testing is one of the most cost effective and efficient ways to identify and locate exfiltration and infiltration problems in sewer systems.

Smoke testing involves smoke filled air to be forced through a sewer line. The pressure used causes the smoke to fill the pipeline and any connections, following the path of the leak to the surface, ultimately revealing the source of the leak. Smoke tests are highly effective no matter of soil type, depth of lines or surface types, so long as openings exist for the smoke to follow.

Smoke doesn't always begin at the spot the smoke plumes emerges.Sometimes, smoke can be seen coming out through vents, gutters, manholes or out of the ground.that may indicate a defect or possible break in the sewer pipeline itself. Since sewer gases can cause health issues, determining the origin of plumbing leaks in buildings is of particular importance to building occupants and owners.

If you know or suspect that there might be issues with the sewer pipeline connected to your property, contact the experts at Professional Piping Services at 800-780-6098 to discuss your options.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Pickled Pipes?


Chemical descaling, also known as pickling, is one of several available pre-treatment steps for preparing pipes for additional processing like electropolishing or passivation. It can be used prior to “superior” cleaning operation of welded lines or structures.

Pickling typically is done to remove firmly attached oxide films, commonly caused by heat treating, welding, hot-forming and other high temperature operations. All these oxides, also known as ‘scale’, need to be removed. In some cases, pickling of stainless steels is performed in two steps, one for softening the scale and one for final scale removal. Over-pickling, under-pickling and pitting usually are the direct results of lack of control over process variables including acid concentrations, solution temperature and contact time making the choice to use a professional like the people at Professional Piping Services, Inc a wise decision.

Before the pickling process is performed, heavy surface soils like, heavy rust, dye, adhesive residue, grease, some scale, oil and other types of foreign materials need to removed. This is commonly done by the use of solvent or chemical cleaning, steam cleaning, water jetting and mechanical cleaning like pipe pigging.

Contact Professional Piping Services Inc. toll free at 800-780-6098 for those outside the Tampa Bay area or locally at 813-994-0032 to discuss your piping needs and to discuss a plan that’s right for your situation.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Regular Pipeline Cleaning Is Crucial

There are various reasons why regular pipeline cleaning is crucial.  Below are what’s considered the five most important:

  1. Cleaning restores the hydraulic efficiencies of the pipeline thereby improving its carrying capacity
  2. Keeps build-up reduced making the insertion of internal pipe diagnostic tools quick and easy prior to a condition assessment
  3. Clean pipes are a necessary step prior to any pipeline rehabilitation service
  4. Clearing pipe build-up greatly reduces how hard a pump must work to transport water through the pipeline: lower pump pressure equals less stress on the pump causing it to last longer and operate at a lower cost
  5. Any deposits on the inside of the pipeline will affect the taste, turbidity and quality of the water

You have several options when it comes to types of pipeline cleaning, each with its own benefits,

Jetting: Jetting uses a high-pressured flow of water to scrub the inside surface of a pipe to remove scale and other debris that’s built up over time.The benefits of jetting include, less water use, particularly if using reclaimed water, easier access planning with cut-ins, ability to track progress with hose length.

Scraping: Scraping is a more mechanical process, where a device is pulled or pushed through a pipe to remove any built-up deposits down to the bare metal of the pipe.  Because of this harsh treatment, it should always be followed by a pipe lining method to help prevent increased rate of corrosion.  Some benefits of scraping are; it can provide effective, long-term cleaning especially for pipes with the hardest of pipe deposits and it doesn’t rely on pipe flow or water pressure.

Pigging: Pipeline pigging if the process that removes debris and cleans the inside of the pipeline using a device known as a “pig”. The pig is sent through the piping via normal water flow. Pigs are generally spherical or round, aiding its ability to more freely through the pipe and clean the pipe efficiently. Some benefits include; the ability to clean up to one mile in just run and less expensive equipment, both lowering the cost of cleaning.

Whatever the application, Professional Piping Services has best-in-class cleaning technology to get your pipelines clean – no matter how tough the deposits. Contact them today to talk about all your industrial pipe cleaning needs.